Several companies sell beautiful greeting cards and postcards featuring chimpanzees photographed in the wild. There are, however, a few positive ways to view chimpanzees in media, such as documentaries featuring chimpanzees non-invasively observed in their natural habitats and in sanctuary settings. These companies have all pledged to never use great apes in their work in the future. A few examples of companies who have pulled advertisements featuring chimpanzee actors due to public outcry are Captial One, Pfizer, Dodge, Samsung, and Sprint. Many individuals also reach out to companies who use chimpanzee actors in film and advertisements to politely urge them to remove chimpanzees from their work and vow to refrain from using primates in the future. Save the Chimps encourages our supporters to help in ways they can. Please do not watch movies or television that features exploited chimpanzees performing tricks, interacting with other species of animals, used as photo props, “smiling” with a fear grimace, or in unnatural settings. Jane Goodall and Anjelica Huston are among the high-profile voices who have spoken out against the exploitation of chimpanzees in entertainment. Save the Chimps’ Advisory Council members Dr.

It is common for chimpanzee trainers to use coercive training methods, as chimpanzees are incredibly strong and difficult to control. Many training facilities have been exposed by whistle-blowers, as their training methods were forceful and abusive. Meeting the needs of these intelligent, active, and highly social primates in captivity is incompatible with the training methods used to teach them to perform unnatural behaviors and tricks. Many are sold to unaccredited roadside zoos, and the pet trade few make it to accredited sanctuaries. The ones who do make it to sanctuary often struggle to live with other chimpanzees, as they never learned how chimps behave from their mothers. Once young chimpanzees reach maturity and become too strong to control, they can no longer be used by trainers in the entertainment business. Human-reared chimpanzees additionally tend to suffer from abnormal behaviors, such as repetitive rocking and hair plucking.

Chimpanzees in entertainment lose these opportunities, and are instead trained to perform unnatural and often uncomfortable tricks, such as walking upright and riding bicycles, which strain their bodies. For chimpanzees, the first five years of life are critical for social bonding, learning from their mothers, and healthy psychological development. Like humans, chimp babies are virtually helpless in their infancy, unlike other mammals who learn to walk within days of their birth. Instead, chimpanzee actors are removed from their mothers at birth, trained to perform unnatural behaviors, and face short acting careers and uncertain futures.Ĭhimps bred for the entertainment industry are typically taken from their mothers at birth. Baby chimpanzees can be easily distinguished by their small body size, as well as pale faces and ears. Under natural circumstances, young chimpanzees rely on their mothers and nurse until they are around 5 years old.

Chimpanzees used in entertainment are exclusively infants and juveniles, as chimpanzees become impossible to control and handle around the age of 8 years old.